Thursday, February 7, 2008

Research Exercise #2

Eric Guidobono
ENGL 1050
Research Excercise #2
Topic choices: Salvia, is it safe???

Work Cited 1:
NBC10. "Cheap, Legal, and Dangerous." 2006-04-11. Delaware.

In the town of Wilmington, Delaware, Brett Chidester, a straight "A" high school student with alot of friends killed himself. Brett used the legal, hallucinogenic drug multiple times a day without question. Although salvia is not a deadly drug, Brett's suicide was brought on by depression, which can be brought on by excessive use of the drug. Now his mother, Kathy Chidester is trying to outlaw the drug in the state of Delaware.

I feel that it is obsurred that his mother is trying to outlaw the drug. Obviously Brett was a troubled kid if he needed to trip out everyday on the drug. Is the drug dangerous, yes and no. Everything is bad if you consume too much of it, hell, even the over-consumption of water can be fatal. Should we outlaw water? According to NBC10's, "Cheap, Legal, and Dangerous," People in the mountains of southern Mexico have been using Salvia for more than 1,000 years. Now it has become popular with high school and college kids [paragraph 7]. How come people from southern Mexico can use it for thousands of years without a problem, and Brett Chidester is resposible for making the drug just around the corner from being outlawed? People don't do stupid things, stupid people do stupid things.

Work Cited 2:
Turner, D.M. "Salvinorin - The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum." Panther Press, August 1996

Salvia Divinorum is the most potent naturally occurring psychedelic known. For thousands of years, it has been ritualistically used by Mazatec Indians of the Sierra Mazateca region of Oaxaca, Mexico, and possibly by earlier human civilizations. The effects experienced while under the influence of salvia are extremely bizarre and varrie greatly. Salvia does not induce the same physical health problems as does cigarrettes, or even marijuana. Although physical health issues are not a concern, over consumption of the plant can cause depression, and insanity.

Just by reading Turner's knowledge of the plant facinates me. In his book, "Salvinorin - The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum," Early experiments by pioneering psychonauts suggest that access to benignly expansive realms, as well as new and very real dangers [Introduction, paragraph 2]. He is basically saying that users can be enlightened many different ways. You could realize things going on in your life that you would have never realized or considered dealing with in the past.


boobledoo said...

You have your info all wrong dude. Brett Chidester used salvia alot but he didn't use it every day. where do you get your info from? Write the facts bud, just the facts.

Andrea Stemaly said...

The formatting for using a paragraph within your in-text citation is just (para 2).

Eric said...

first of all boobledoo, i aint your bud, never will be. and second of all, who the hell are you to talk to me like that?