Wednesday, January 23, 2008

3 Debatable Research Topics

1. Legalizing Marijuana
-What are the benefits of legallizing marijuana?
-Is marijuana any more dangerous than ciggarettes, alchohaul, and other legal drugs?
-Can legalizing marijuana put a stop to, or slow down abbuse of the drug and street crime?

2. Steroids in Baseball
-Is performance enhancing drugs in baseball affecting how the game is played?
-Can the MLB put a stop to steroids, and how/when will they do it?
-If a drug testing policy is intalled in the league, what will happen to players, fans, game-play, etc. . .

3. Explict content in music and television.
-Is it tainting the vision of our youth?
-Are the age regulations on movies really affecting who views the movie?
-Would not allowing explict contect in music, tv, and movies impede on the creators freedom to express themselves?


Andrea Stemaly said...

The first topic is a banned one, the second is not presenting a very engaging topic, and the third, while interesting, may prove difficult to find good support.

Alex said...

I think you have some good ideas besides the legalizing marijuana thing because thats out of the question, but i do think the if you do enough research on the third topic you could have some good ideas but it will probably be pretty hard to make a 5 page essay out of it.